Contact Us

GeoFluv logo featuring stylized green hills and a blue flowing river, with the text "GeoFluv" beside it.

When contacting us, please indicate if you are interested in information about the following:

  • GeoFluv design
  • GeoFluv training / Natural Regrade software training
  • Natural Regrade computer software


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GeoFluv logo with stylized green and blue curving lines above the text.


Carlson Software

Break New Ground

For the Natural Regrade computer module with GeoFluv


Natural Surface Design

For GeoFluv design software and training in Australia, SE Asia & India



For GeoFluv design software and training in Spain, and Central and South America


Resource Consultants

Promotes and supports the GeoFluv approach for all of Africa.


Landscape Architecture

For GeoFluv design software and training in Scandinavia and Northern Europe

Nicholas Bugosh is the inventor of a new approach to land grading that returns disturbed lands to natural function and appearance that is known as GeoFluvâ„¢.

Want to Know More?

See how GeoFluvâ„¢ creates a natural looking landscape with ridges that transition from convex to concave slopes, small sub-watersheds containing water channels that merge into larger water channels that are designed with the required cross-sectional profile and sinuosity to handle variable flows. No artificial contour banks and rock drains required.