The inability to meet or mitigate these changes caused by the proposed reclamation landform can even stop land development activity from proceeding. A new, natural approach to landform grading called GeoFluv offers a cost-effective alternative that can satisfy the reclamation criteria.
The GeoFluv design approach can offer: greater stability against erosion, greater opportunities for plant and animal diversity, lower construction and maintenance costs, and promotion of successful bond release, as compared to traditional reclamation landform design methods.
Featured GeoFluv Solutions
More GeoFluv Solutions

Abandoned Coal Mine Reclamation
The Log Creek Church AML Sites 900 & 2040 were put out to bid as both traditional and GeoFluv designs made using. . .

Civil Road Side Drainage Correction
A large industrial facility's access road was graded using conventional roadside ditches that intersected many small. . .

Hard Rock Quarry Reclamation
A frustrated quarry operator looked to a GeoFluv design solution to lower construction and maintenance costs. . .
GeoFluv Approach Versus the Traditional Approach.

GeoFluv Approach
Creates a natural-looking landscape with ridges that transition from convex to concave slopes, and small sub-watersheds containing water channels that merge into larger water channels.

Traditional Method
Long, single gradient slopes that are subject to erosion. A range of techniques are employed to slow erosion, including contour banks, rock drains, and sediment ponds.
Why GeoFluv?

Precision Solutions
The GeoFluv approach recognizes the critical importance of natural landforms to gain community acceptance, which is critical to project permit issuance.

GeoFluv Reviews
More Customer Testimonials and Awards Before & After
Abandoned Coal Mining Project
At Log Creek Church, over 70 acres of acid-producing waste have been sequestered, and forested.

Truck and Shovel Coal Mine
The "Special Wildlife Enhancement Feature" included beautiful sandstone cliffs for swallow.