
A digital 3D terrain with low-poly style, featuring angular green surfaces and a winding blue river running through the landscape.

GeoFluv & Natural Regrade

Natural Regrade software screen showing 3D rendering of the GeoFluv design. Note the complex slopes defined by the blue swale and yellow sub-watershed ridge design lines on the valley walls and the detailed channel plan-view and cross-sectional geometry characteristics, as well as the channel confluences that are designed automatically on grade.

Get the Most Out of Your Data

The fluvial geomorphic approach to designing landforms that are stable against erosion and promote sustainable land development, requires that essential landform characteristics are incorporated into the landform and that the characteristics are correctly inter-related for proper function. The GeoFluv approach to landform design uses measurements of these essential reference area landform characteristics of upland areas and ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial stream channels as input values and seamlessly integrates them in three dimensions to design a functioning landform. The GeoFluv training and certification program teaches the user how to identify and measure the necessary input values.

Two people in a field with trees in the background
Screenshot of a topographical map analysis in AutoCAD. It displays contour lines, a detailed data table of geographic features, and various software tools and settings.

A Versatile Software Solution

The Natural Regrade software can also be used to evaluate a landform design that has been made with the software, or by other methods. The reviewer can use the software to check the critical landform design element values, or the reviewer can make a GeoFluv landform design for an area designed by other methods and compare the two designs for variances that can represent potential erosion sites.

Here is a Natural Regrade software screen showing immediate feedback on drainage density and cut / fill balance, as well as the ability to read and display design characteristics directly from the drawing wherever the cursor is placed on a 3D design line.

Get more information by visiting the Carlson Software Natural Regrade website at Carlson Software for the Natural Regrade computer module with GeoFluv.

Please contact GeoFluv directly to discuss your software needs and to obtain a quotation.